Mary James Ministries

Statement of Faith


We believe that every believer in Christ is the “temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to strive to “live holy and Godly lives as we look forward to the day of God.” (I Corinthians 6:19; II Peter 3:11-12)

We believe that we must dedicate ourselves to prayer, to the service of our Lord, to His authority over our lives and to the ministry of evangelism. (Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 22:37-39 and 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:9-15 and 12:20-21; Galations 6:10; Colossians 2:6-10; I Peter 2:9, I Peter 3:15; John 15:1-17).

The MJM Ministry Manifesto

We believe in Jesus and keeping Him first in all things. Making your home in Him yields fruit that lasts and unceasingly molds your character. We believe in walking by faith. It pleases God when we trust Him and allows us to dive headfirst into what He says is possible. We believe in dying to self, because when we do, love and flexibility come far more naturally. We believe that the mic is always on – every facet of life that can be seen and heard by others, teaches. We believe in the power of words, that they give life and death, and must be handled with care whether spoken over others or oneself. We believe in gratitude and the value of finding contentment in every season. While abundance is an easy place for praise, seasons of hardship, suffering, or lack carry their own treasures which are often the most valuable. We believe in sitting with the broken. Hearing, holding and loving imperfect people when no one is watching carries far more weight in heaven than any public accolade. We believe in boundaries; letting the good in and keeping the bad out is a powerful tool in the believer’s life. We trust in God’s provision and appointments; never allowing finances to keep us from going where He has called us, nor allowing finances to take us where we shouldn’t go. We do not believe in the manipulation of others through strong emotional appeals for financial gain. We believe in honest publicity and do not exaggerate numbers. We strive for excellence; believing your best should always be offered to God and those we are called to serve. We believe in doing all things in love and commit to checking our motives on a daily basis to ensure they align with the faith we profess and the heart of Christ. We believe in being teachable; remaining open to growth and any lesson God offers. As followers of Jesus, we believe we are each a work in progress, being sanctified by God’s medicinal Word and the work of the Holy Spirit. Understanding we have not yet (nor may ever) obtain perfection or consistently uphold these goals, we press on (Phil. 3:12) accepting the grace offered to us, and offering grace to others in return. Together, through both word and deed, we purpose ourselves to live as tangible evidence of the power of Christ, all to the glory of God. 

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