Mary James Ministries

Stirring Souls Toward Jesus

Through Music, Speaking, and Writing

There is a longing within all of us.

I sense it, and you probably do too. It’s a void that lingers and yearns to be filled with redemption, love, belonging, hope, meaning… and so much more.  Often, we satisfy our longings with quick fixes and choices that leave us empty and worse off than when we started.  It is easy to do. I know because I have been there. 

But when we put our trust in Jesus and all He offers, our lives are forever different.
We discover the only solution for our sin and brokenness.
A love the world cannot offer.
Strength in adversity.
The power to rise above what seeks to destroy.

“For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.” Psalm 107:9

Hi, I'm Mary.

I am so glad you are here. Though we may not know each other personally, I believe God has connected us for a reason. While the details of our stories may vary, we can all speak about our broken nature, the challenges of life, and the longing to know victory is possible.

I assure you, it is. Every day, I am thankful God rescued me and redeemed the self-willed life I chose to live. Each song I sing and word I share is intended to stir, inspire, and soothe your soul with the hope and peace only Jesus can give. 

My desire is that you will welcome His pursuit of your heart and allow Him to transform your life as He is daily transforming mine. 


The Bible says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34b). I would also contend, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth sings.” Since the day I ran headlong into the restorative love of Jesus, He has changed what I want to sing about.

Music is a gift from God. It tears down walls, softens the heart, and stirs the soul toward Jesus. Each melody and lyric I offer is meant to help people draw near to the Lord, nourish them with His promises, and ultimately to give Him glory.

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We learn and grow through God’s Word and each other’s stories.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is a discerner of our thoughts and intentions of the heart.” There is something incredibly powerful that happens when we come together to study Scripture and apply it to our lives. It takes courage, but I am here to be courageous with you.

Through testimony, my desire is to transparently proclaim what the Lord has done in my life and continues to teach me. (1 Peter 2:9) Whenever any of us faithfully proclaim God’s truth and excellencies, it strengthens people’s faith and motivates some to become proclaimers themselves.


Carefully chosen words to comfort and strengthen.

Writing provides a way for me to 1) connect more deeply with others concerning God’s truth, 2) discuss how (though Him) we can overcome obstacles, and 3) live God-honoring, joy-filled stories.

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Kind Words Shared

Not only is it sweet music, but Mary James is also one of the most kind-hearted, God-fearing, Spirit-proclaiming, Jesus-presenting, people-loving, and genuine artists I have ever known.

Pastor Jonathan Jones Salvisa Baptist Church, Salvisa, KY

You have been a powerful influence in my life. Your honesty about your sin and struggles has helped me be honest about mine.

Allie Auburn, CA

Messages of conviction balanced with love are hard to come by these days. Mary gives both through her story.

Women's Ministry Attendee Winchester, CA

You left me reflecting on the service almost daily. It moved me to the point where I was able to say 'I forgive you' and felt a relief once I did.

Church Attendee Holt, MO

Featured Blog Articles

  • March 23, 2024

Take Up Your Cross (The Gospel in Music Series, No.1)

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his...

  • January 16, 2024

God Promises A Way Out

I have been wanting to post this for a few days now – avoiding it actually – but I...

  • December 20, 2023

Cherished Traditions With Eternal Impact

Christmas is dear to me for many reasons. But overwhelmingly, it comes as a joy-filled reminder of the gift...

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