Hope, Redemption & Victory
I want people to discover the beauty of a life lived in relationship with Jesus.
I’m so glad you made it this far. If you are looking into the possibility of having me share at your upcoming event, there are a few things I’d love for you to know.
As a communicator, I strive to be transparent, relatable, and help others earnestly seek the Lord for their solutions; a solution for their anger, heartbreak, depression, lost child, failing marriage, unforgiveness, and on it goes. I long to see people thrive amidst the brokenness of this world and with Jesus I know they can.
No matter where people are in their journey, they want to be understood, encouraged with godly wisdom, and (for some) to know there is hope for their situation. Through music, the transparent sharing of my story, Biblical teaching, and the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, I endeavor to offer all three.
As a result (while admitting only God sees everything inside the heart), I’ve been honored to witness what looks like defenses shattered, Jesus chosen, lives transformed, and most importantly, God glorified.
My most requested topics are below for your consideration. God be with you as you pray and plan.
The first time I heard you speak, I was blown away for days. And today, as a Seminary student, you have given me so much to chew on. Your ministry is alive. Alive. Striking serious chords with people and making a huge difference.
Mary’s heart and song combined are capable of delivering you straight to the throne of God! She prepares and inspires women to live a forgiven life, overflowing, and committed to Him.
Mary James leaves a trail of breadcrumbs wherever she goes.....leaving you hungrier for more Jesus.
The first time I heard you speak, I was blown away for days. And today, as a Seminary student, you have given me so much to chew on. Your ministry is alive. Alive. Striking serious chords with people and making a huge difference.
Mary’s heart and song combined are capable of delivering you straight to the throne of God! She prepares and inspires women to live a forgiven life, overflowing, and committed to Him.
The first time I heard you speak, I was blown away for days. And today, as a Seminary student, you have given me so much to chew on. Your ministry is alive. Alive. Striking serious chords with people and making a huge difference.
Mary’s heart and song combined are capable of delivering you straight to the throne of God! She prepares and inspires women to live a forgiven life, overflowing, and committed to Him.
Mary James leaves a trail of breadcrumbs wherever she goes.....leaving you hungrier for more Jesus.
The first time I heard you speak, I was blown away for days. And today, as a Seminary student, you have given me so much to chew on. Your ministry is alive. Alive. Striking serious chords with people and making a huge difference.
Mary’s heart and song combined are capable of delivering you straight to the throne of God! She prepares and inspires women to live a forgiven life, overflowing, and committed to Him.
Speaking Topics
Below is a list of most requested speaking topics.
For Women’s Retreats & Conferences
We offer a unique retreat package to church leaders who need an easier path to hosting a women’s conference or retreat. Because Mary leads worship, offers special music, gives her testimony, and teaches, many churches have utilized this bundled ministry option over the years. Mary also loves for your retreat to be beautiful visually and driven by cohesive content. As a result, we have created our Retreat Bundle for your use. This does involve an extra charge which can be discussed at the time of scheduling Mary.
Our bundle includes the following:
3-4 Keynote Messages
Worship for all Sessions
Special Music which ties into the Conference or Retreat
Event Flyer
Event Announcement and Screens
Name Tag Art
Additional Background Art (if needed)
Custom Sticker for Folders (if utilized)
Free Gift (such as a bookmark if requested by leadership)
PowerPoint for the entire event including Worship slides
Schedule created in partnership with Church Leadership
Session Notes pages
Group Discussion Questions
Additional handouts (as required by chosen retreat)
What good could ever come from brokenness? While the concept of brokenness is often viewed negatively, I will show how God can use our bumps, bruises, and broken pieces to raise us up as useful vessels: strong, compassionate, transparent with one another, and growing reflections of the King who dwells within us.
Key Scriptures: Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Who have you allowed to determine your value? Being a woman who has struggled with acceptance issues most of my life, I have always loved the parable of The Pearl of Great Price found in Matthew 13. What started as a song has grown into a retreat which addresses the matter of our value in Jesus’ eyes. This retreat welcomes testimonies from the women in your church and a time where attendees are encouraged to surrender all that has kept them from walking in the fullness of their God-given identity. By the end of the weekend, we will all leave challenged and eager to respond to Christ’s love with our own.
Key Scriptures: Matthew 13:44-46 and Luke 7:36-50
Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him will bear much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” It is no mystery where we find our power. But are we living connected to the Vine? During our weekend, we will journey through John 15 to reach a deeper understanding of a woman’s charge as a Christ follower. Through the passages, we will gain a renewed understanding of God’s love (even in the pruning seasons of life), an understanding of the relationship between the Vinedresser (God), the Vine (Jesus) and the branches (us), and we will learn what it takes for us to glorify God and know the fullness of His joy.
Key Scriptures: John 15:1-17
Both joy and strength are traits that most of us long to have as a steady aspect of our character, yet these qualities can slip through our fingers (even without us realizing it). Life catches us off-guard. It interrupts, overwhelms, and disappoints. But God faithfully stands in the gap of our weakness and graciously provides the strength needed to live life powerfully. How do we get from point A to point B? From jostled to joyful? Throughout the weekend, we will explore the source of true joy and strength; discovering how they are obtained and manifested in our lives.
Key Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

Keynote Topics
Leading listeners through my story of adoption, rebellion, and transformation, I share the enormity of God’s love and grace over my life choices, which for years have seemed unforgiveable. The closing segment of my message focuses on the enemy’s attempts to keep us bound in regret, while Jesus offers a life that is meant to be joy-filled, liberated, and used for His glory.
Key Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:28
Even as a Christian, it has taken me years to break free from the rejection and shame of the past. Drawing from my journey toward healing and restoration, I share life-changing truths for those who question their acceptance, forgiveness, and long to be liberated (once and for all).
Key Scripture: Ephesians 1:16, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, but which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”
Do you ever have days when you want to give up or go home? In the privacy of your own heart, you cry out, “Come, Lord Jesus. Enough is enough!” Recent events have caused those thoughts to stir in the hearts of many people. Walking you through some of the adversities we have faced on the road, I hope to encourage you to keep your eye on the goal; trusting God to provide every ounce of strength needed for you to stay the course.
Key Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9
#endurance #easydoesntmakeyoustrong
A message that will solidify your value in the eyes of Jesus and challenge you in your response to His great love.
Luke 7:36-50
There is a battle going on for our hearts and lives. The enemy is working overtime to make us doubt God and do life our way (or his way). John 16:33 tells us, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” Though God ultimately orders our steps, we have the freedom to choose our path each day. We make decisions about who and what we will take our influence from. Through various experiences, Mary will share why following and trusting Jesus is always the winning choice.
Out of my story has come a passion to support Pregnancy Care Clinics / Centers and Pro-life organizations as they advocate for the pre-born by helping mothers and fathers make informed, life-giving choices. While sharing the portion of my story that relates to my adoption and reunion with my birth parents/grandparents, I also challenge the audience to speak truth and life into the hearts of mothers everywhere.
Through the lives of the four Mothers the Lord has provided, I will share the invaluable lessons they have each taught me. Every Mother, Grandmother, and Daughter in the room will be reminded of their importance to the families God has placed in their care. Tissue will be required (but in a really good way).
A brief talk on what I have learned from the two Fathers the Lord has given me. This time will come as an encouragement to Fathers in understanding their incredible value and influence.
While this is my story of finding my way to true love and belonging in Christ, it rings true for so many others. Adopted children, foster children, and anyone frankly who feels disposable. I am presenting this as a keynote option for those who need to understand that they are “accepted in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:6 NKJV)

Christmas Topics
Audio Player
A beautiful and stirring message that reminds us once again not to fear our own personal “stables,” but to celebrate that Jesus came to meet us in those less than perfect places. This event will uplift, encourage, and stir hearts during a season that can rob us of our true Christmas joy.
Alternate Title: Your Heart Christ’s Manger
Have you ever caught yourself wondering what you could possibly offer Jesus? Christmas is a season that activates God’s generous Spirit within us, yet we can often miss the bigger picture and even underestimate our purpose in the scheme of things. This event will help women focus on the humility of Christ and find contentment in their divinely appointed assignments.
Alternate Theme: Adaptable for Mom’s Events.
Audio Player
Taken from Mary’s song, The Season I Love, this message focuses more on her story and the tremendous influence the Christmas season had on her spiritual formation. This event will center on Christ, the reason for the season, and refresh each woman’s perspective when it comes to the eternal impact of Christmas traditions.
Audio Player
This event uses Mary’s story to illuminate the transformative power of Jesus and His sacrificial gift of delivering mankind from darkness. It will leave women challenged by the verse, “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1); a verse that challenges God’s people to reveal His Word and glory to others.
Knowing how quickly life and its demands can leave God (unintentionally) at the bottom of our priority list, this message reminds us to pause and invite the guest of honor into our celebrations and lives. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. But are we living quiet enough to hear and with hearts willing to open the door?
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 4:23, Revelation 3:20