Mary James Ministries



You can climb them, try to get around them, or sit down and look up thinking, “there is no way I can climb that beast!”

I am guilty of all three responses, but the two that I do not want to be guilty of any longer is cutting corners or sitting down. In both cases, what I’m actually doing is not trusting that with Christ all things are possible.

Sometimes that mountain is nothing more than me going to the grocery store at 10:30 p.m. when I am too tired to think or getting on the treadmill (even though I strongly dislike working out). Other times it can be a greater task, like meeting a 10-song writing deadline when it seems like I have nothing left to give.

Whatever the challenge, I can opt for a shortcut, choose to sit, or start the climb.

I’ve seen many a friend and loved one sit down and never get back up. So much in them to offer, so much life left to live, but their passion is depleted. Failures, disappointments, and lies have had their way.  I understand.

What I do comes with many disappointments, closed doors, God-sized time-outs, hard lessons after going my way instead of God’s way, and the list goes on. But, the victories outweigh all of them… the victories, etched in my heart, help me press on when the road becomes steep.

Today I find myself facing a few mountains once again. How about you?  This comes as a reminder to both you and me to make the climb… one foot in front of the other.  After challenging himself to take a grueling hike in Peru, Donald Miller shares in his book A Million Miles and A Thousand Years, “The pain made the city more beautiful. The story made us different characters than we would have been if we had skipped the story and showed up at the ending an easier way.”

I have no idea what the days ahead hold for us, but I know who our God is, and He is always looking for those who say, “Here am I, send me.”  Let’s not miss the view.  Life in His strength is so beautiful.  

“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

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