Help Us Share Jesus' Message of Salvation And Restoration
Mary James Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization who serves to share the life-giving, transformative message of the Gospel. Using Music, Testimony, Teaching, and Christian Resources their mission is to ignite and strengthen people’s faith, provide biblical encouragement, and help individuals develop an unwavering relationship with Jesus. They are guided by the conviction that every person, through Christ, can live a victorious, God-glorifying story.
For over 24+ years, Mary has been a steadfast advocate of God’s mercy and redemptive grace. Desiring to stir souls toward Jesus, Mary offers content (through live events, music, or writing) that God has faithfully used to resonate people deeply, tear down walls (defenses), and change lives.
While the talents and gifts of Mary James are obvious, as well as numerous, so too is her sincere love and commitment to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She is a walking testimony of the grace of Christ that is available to anyone who will call on His name. Along with being a talented singer, she is also very comfortable sharing her faith and her testimony is well received.
My time in church when you came to share has been a game changer in my relationship with the Lord. I turned a corner that night. Your music is in my CD player 6-7 days a week and has been helping me grow closer to Jesus. Thank you.
I want to heal and be close to God again. I want the same for my children. All because God sent Mary James to Frankfurt, Kentucky, where a very broken woman needed to hear His Word through her.
While the talents and gifts of Mary James are obvious, as well as numerous, so too is her sincere love and commitment to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. She is a walking testimony of the grace of Christ that is available to anyone who will call on His name. Along with being a talented singer, she is also very comfortable sharing her faith and her testimony is well received.
My time in church when you came to share has been a game changer in my relationship with the Lord. I turned a corner that night. Your music is in my CD player 6-7 days a week and has been helping me grow closer to Jesus. Thank you.
People everywhere are looking for solutions.
At every event or service, there are people who are separated from God, struggling in some area of their life, or are one step away from a bad decision. Knowing this, we consider Mary James Ministries, and its partners, as a tool God uses to draw people to Jesus.
Through His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, God takes what He has called us to do and uses it to save the lost, strengthen the broken, grow believers in righteousness, and challenge them to live out their God-glorifying purpose.
Our preferred phrase in describing the ministry is, “Stirring Souls Toward Jesus.” As John 15:5 says, “Apart from Him we can do nothing,” thus we consider it a privilege to be a part of leading people to the One who holds the solution to all of life’s challenges (the biggest being sin).
By supporting Mary James Ministries, you enable us to continue in our charge to share the Gospel and stir as many souls as possible toward our Savior.
(Belgium Missions Trip pictured)

Our Mission is to be a part of what God is doing to ignite and strengthen people's faith, provide biblical encouragement, and help individuals cling to Jesus, in order that they may bring God glory and have everlasting joy.
If what we have shared with you is your passion also, you can become an MJM Partner.
Because of our generous financial supporters, we have been able to provide encouragement and Biblical truth at countless live events and through media (radio, video, television, social). As a result, thousands of lives have been impacted for the building and strengthening of God’s kingdom.
To become a partner, click the Donate button below and join us on the journey of stirring souls toward Jesus.
Our Current Impact Goals
- Live Events (Travel)
- Motorhome (Vehicle Support & Maint))
- Worship Album
- Book & Companion Workbook
- Media Growth (Social, Radio, Video)
- Support (Booking & Administrative Assistant)
- General Operations (Where Most Needed)
Our Current Impact Goals
These are the projects God has placed on our heart. Your gift will help them become a reality.

Travel is a huge part of our ministry at this time, as we spend 6-7 months a year traveling across country to impact lives at Women’s Events, Churches, Recovery Homes, Rescue Missions, and other special events. Because of your support, we are able to love and encourage people who cannot always afford to bring us to their area.
Expenses associated with travel are as follows:
Monthly Motorhome payment
Motorhome and Tow vehicle Insurance
RV Parks
Maintenance and Repairs of RV and Tow vehicle
Motorhome storage
Airfare, Hotel, Car Rental (in the event Mary has to fly to an engagement)
Yes, we have another project in the making! The demand arose for Mary to release a worship album that features the worship songs she shares at her events. Your support will see this 36 song project to completion.
Please help us maintain and boost our digital discipleship efforts through social media, radio, and video. Creating quality audio and video content is costly, but we understand the music deepens our reach and goes where we cannot go physically. When you donate to our media efforts you are helping us reach more lives.
In April 2021, Mary began co-writing her first book which she hopes will be available to the public in 2025. In addition to the book, she hopes to provide an accompanying workbook for Bible Study purposes. This will allow women to partake of the life-changing content Mary has spent years developing.
Your support will allow the ministry the time needed to prepare all the content and publish the materials.
While we received a gracious amount of support that helped us get into our Motorhome, the ministry is still carrying debt. Our prayer is we can be payoff the balance of the coach as soon as possible. If the Lord has nudged you to help in this department, please let us know and we can provide the details.
The ministry has grown to where we need assistance. Your support helps us utilize the help of others in order to complete the projects God has put on our heart. A dream come true would be hiring a full-time Executive Assistant in the very near future.
For some time, Mary has wanted to launch a women’s ministry arm of the non-profit. This effort will encourage women to know, love, and represent Jesus well in the circles they are called to influence.
The name “She Overflows” is inspired by the song “Overflow,” and John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ It is also inspired by the story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet in Luke 7:36-50, who loved much because she had been forgiven much. This woman poured out her tears, her oil, and kissed the feet of Jesus as an act of gratitude and worship because He had redeemed and rescued her. We believe our lives should also be an expression of gratitude and an influencial witness to the One who forgives much and fills us to overflowing.
Where needed most.
Be a Part of Our Mission. Here’s How You Can Help:
Mary James Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization.
Donations are tax-deductible.

Choose the area you would like to support.

Donate online or by mailing your support.
Donate online or by mailing your tax-deductible support to: Mary James Ministries P.O. Box 892781 Temecula, CA 92589

Continue to lift up those around us in prayer.

Choose Mary James Ministries as your non-profit of choice through Thrivent Financial (Choice Dollars, etc.).
Be a Part of Our Mission. Here’s How You Can Help:
Mary James Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization.
Donations are tax-deductible.

Choose the impact area you would like to support.

Donate online or by mailing your support.
Donate online or by mailing your tax-deductible support to: Mary James Ministries P.O. Box 892781 Temecula, CA 92589

Commit our mission and those we are called to serve to prayer.